Our History
From our beginnings as a home church in the 1890s until now,
we have been serving the Concord Heights area for over 100 years.
Our first records show that in the early 1890s the people who gave birth to Immanuel met in their homes. In 1895 the group began meeting in an old school house on Greeley Street. The religious needs of many denominations of the Plains (now the Heights) residents came to the attention of the First Congregational Church. On October 26, 1899 a monument was dedicated to a group of Concord Churches to honor the site of the first religious service in central NH (East Side Drive/Sugar Ball Road). That event stirred interest in the community.
In 1900 the people of the Plains and First Congregational Church agreed that Immanuel Chapel would be established as a non-denominational mission of First Church. The building was erected on Grover Street. Many items were donated – one of particular interest is the bell in the tower which continues to be rung every Sunday – a gift from Boston and Maine Railroad. The Chapel was dedicated December 9, 1900 with over 200 people in attendance. (ICC has since become independent of First Church).

The future of Immanuel Chapel was addressed in 1939 by a group comprised of a committee from the chapel, a representative from the Congregational Conference and the Minister of First Church. It was decided student ministers would serve one year each, starting with someone from Hartford Seminary. On May 11, 1950 Immanuel Community Church was established. Simultaneously a women's organization was formed and was actively involved in the planning and work of the church.
In 1957 ground was broken for the annex to accommodate our growing Sunday School and have a more convenient facility for public suppers, etc. The church was faced with the question faced by all Congregational Churches in 1961 - whether or not to merge into the United Church of Christ. (Immanuel Community Church abstained from voting on merging). In 1965 a parsonage was purchased (on Airport Road) since sold and a parsonage built on property adjacent to the church. The chancel was renovated in 1966 and beautiful stain glass windows donated.
When Havenwood-Heritage Heights (the retirement community) opened many of the residents joined our church and were active wherever needed. We volunteered many hours at the Havenwood facility over the years. A scholarship is still given in memory of our member who established their thrift shop. We were instrumental in setting up the first food pantry in Concord and continue to be active with the Friendly Kitchen.
In 2000 we celebrated our 100th anniversary - God Bless all who worked so hard to see Immanuel Community Church become a reality and for the many gifts given (monetary, material items and talents). Our “Book of Remembrance” is our way of paying tribute to these folks. (As you enter the annex there are plaques on the wall commemorating those who gave to that project).